FAQs about Power and Sail Yacht Delivery Service
Here are a number of Frequently Asked Questions on yacht delivery services.
Of course, please feel free to contact me at
if you have any other questions. I will get back to you immediately.
Thank you.
Responsibility of Person in Charge
The safety of a yacht and her crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of Reliable Yacht Deliveries when contracted to be in charge, who must ensure that the yacht is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy and manned by an experienced crew who have undergone appropriate training and are physically fit to face bad weather. RYD must be satisfied as to the soundness of hull, spars, rigging, sails and all gear. RYD must ensure that all safety equipment is properly maintained and stowed and that the crew know where it is kept and how it is to be used.
Do you deliver power or sail yachts?
Both. I hold a 100 Ton Master's License, with endorsements, for both power and sail.
My team delivers yachts for owners, brokers, dealers and manufacturers.
Who will be onboard for the yacht delivery?
I will be onboard, along with my selected crew. Depending upon the type and needs of each delivery, I choose my crew from a core group of very experienced individuals whom I have worked with in the past. Shorter deliveries on smaller yachts may only require one other individual. My requirement for longer offshore deliveries is to have enough experienced hands to be safe in all conditions.
I welcome an owner and/or his regular crew to be part of the delivery crew if they would like. It is often a terrific opportunity for the owner and/or his regular crew to work with my team of professionals.
What experience do you have?
More than 40 years of offshore experience, in most popular cruising grounds around the world.
Trans-Atlantic passages have taken me to northern Europe, including the Baltic, English Channel and French west coast. I have spent extensive time in the Mediterranean, including Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey. On the west side of the Atlantic I have covered most territories between Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and the Windward Islands of the Lesser Antilles, including the British and US Virgin Islands, Jamaica, the Windward and Leeward Islands, Bermuda and much sea time between New England and Florida. I have also spent a good amount of time working on the Great Lakes.
To the West, my deliveries have spanned from Victoria BC to Cabo St. Lucas in Mexico. Trans-Pacific passage from California to Honolulu has also been complemented by work in Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand and Australia.
My background includes sail yachts and motor yachts to 130'.
Where will you deliver yachts to?
Most anywhere in the world, with some logical exceptions.
I have a very flexible schedule and am pleased to deliver your yacht to most ports worldwide.
How is the route planned?
The essential route is one that is efficient and at the same time safe for the yacht and the crew. Time of year, weather systems, ocean currents and the preference of the owner are all taken into consideration. If the owner is joining the yacht for part of the delivery and has specific destinations in mind, the route is adjusted correspondingly.
Before we cast off for a delivery, I will always share the intended route with the owner. We also provide a tracking system on the yacht so the owner can follow the progress of the yacht throughout the delivery.
Can the owner come along?
I encourage the owner to come along. Especially for a new yacht, it is a terrific opportunity to work together in understanding the ship's systems and vessel handling characteristics.
As mentioned previously, the route can also be designed so the owner can join a delivery in progress and visit special ports along the way.
What needs to be done to make my yacht ready for the delivery?
Your yacht should have up to date ship's systems, safety gear and navigation equipment onboard corresponding to the type of delivery you require. We will perform a complete systems check and safety, navigation and spare parts inventory prior to departure to ensure the yacht has the necessary and required equipment.
Does the boat need to be insured?
Yes. Owner's insurance on the vessel is required, with provisions for a licensed professional delivery captain in place. Please check with your insurance carrier to ensure that this coverage is provided. A copy of the current insurance policy should be onboard prior to the delivery.
What is the cost?
The cost of the delivery varies depending upon the type of vessel (sail, motor yacht, trawler), size of vessel, number of crew required and intended route. After the pre-delivery inspection, we will also make recommendations for any missing equipment to the owner. An itemized proposal will be prepared that will include all anticipated costs for the delivery.
What is included in the costs?
Your Custom Proposal Includes:
Complete ship's systems check prior to departure
Route plan and estimated time en route (owner is credited for any days not required)
Tracking system to monitor progress during delivery (no additional charge)
Cleaning, gear stowage and yacht preparedness for offshore conditions
Supplemental safety equipment required for delivery (stays with yacht after delivery; RYD supplies, free of charge, backup GPS, VHF radio and Sat Phone)
Necessary charts, light lists, almanacs and pilot books not already onboard for delivery (stays with yacht after delivery)
Spare parts as required (stays with yacht after delivery)
Estimated fuel and dockage costs
Any necessary permits
Crew's wages
Provisioning costs for estimated passage time
Crew travel costs
Complete cleaning post-delivery - our goal is to leave your boat in the best possible condition
Complete passage and yacht report, including vessel and system conditions, any recommended gear changes and passage log book
Note: Safety for the crew and vessel is always our number one priority. While RYD always prepares a thorough pre-delivery analysis of the weather, if conditions deteriorate, we always err on the side of safety in delivering your yacht. Deviation from the original plan may require additional days en route.
How are payments made?
A 50% deposit is required to secure the delivery dates. Many owners prefer to provide a dedicated credit card for expenses such as dockage, fuel and provisions on the delivery. Any additional expense outside the scope of the contract will be cleared with the owner prior to charging it.
The balance of the contract is due upon the vessel's arrival at the destination. The owner or owner's agent usually will meet at the vessel to make the final payment. Other arrangements - wire transfer or certified check - can be made for final payment by contacting the RYD office.
An accurate accounting of all actual costs against the contact, including all receipts, will be provided. Credit due the owner or additional expenses will be detailed in the final accounting.
How are weather or mechanical delays handled?
Safety for the yacht and crew is always a priority. While Reliable Yacht Deliveries always prepares a thorough pre-delivery analysis of the weather, if conditions deteriorate, we will always err on the side of safety in delivering your yacht. Most owners prefer a slight delay in schedule as opposed to unwelcome boat yard bills.
The majority of the time, short delays fall within the scope of the contract and there is no additional charge.
If it is imperative to delay because of unsuitable conditions, weather holds are billed at a discounted daily rate.
Mechanical concerns are treated on a case by case basis. If the crew can effect a repair at sea, we will do so at no additional charge. If the repair requires parts or equipment not onboard, we will clear any necessary work with the owner prior to beginning it.
In all cases we will immediately communicate any concerns with the owner and any delays, weather or mechanical, will be billed reasonably and fairly.